Display of intensity values instead of potential areas
May 2017 (corrections May 2023)
Structures in Fatou sets
Fatou and Julia sets are determined via the functions shown above by
iteration at each image point (pixel).
The results of the iterations either converge to a stable numerical value
or grow to infinity. The boundary between these two zones becomes the Julia sets
assigned. Those areas with converging values that are not a contiguous area
are called the Cantor set. The Cantor sets increasingly split into unlimited
many individual structures, these structures are referred to as Fatou dust.
The Julia area is here called those areas with converging values which are enclosed by the Julia set. The Julia set itself is therefore shown
in the boundary area between the converging and growing values. In the graphics, the converging and growing values are represented by different
colors, so that the border areas can be recognized. For more information about the generation of the graphs, see the menu item
On this page the focus is on the representation in the structures of the Fatou sets, the Julia area as well as their boundary regions.
For better comparability of the properties of the Julia sets, 50 iteration steps have been used everywhere on the videos of this page unless
otherwise mentioned.
Areas with converging values are shown here with shades of blue as well as pale yellow. These colored areas represent those areas
where the applied formula yields stable values at a given number of iteration steps and thus are part of the Julia area. In the
border area to the Julia sets one finds partly pale yellow but also strongly blue colored areas, which indicate that these areas
would become unstable with further iteration steps. Only after a limit value formation with iterations going to infinity could one
clear demarcation between the Julia set and converging and
find diverging values.
Areas with divergent values whose values grow to infinity become
shown with reddish and yellowish hues.
The following 2 images show how the apparent boundary of the Julia set shifts within 5 iteration steps
(from 48 to 53, where the constant terms of the formula "c" were not varied here). The image section is identical for both images.
The apparent boundary region of the Julia set between converging and diverging values is indicated by the pale yellow and yellowish gray regions and the
light blue regions, with some of the blue stripes extending deep into the border area of diverging values, showing the boundary region
between the converging and diverging areas to be very dynamic. The 2 images show the displacement of the boundary region. Even some of the deep-blue,
seemingly stable regions turn out to be unstable when iterated further. In the upper right quadrant, comparing the 2 images, one
can see how the boundary area of converging and diverging values appears to slowly stabilize.
Image 1: 48 Iterations
Image 2: 53 Iterations
The growth of numerical values into
infinity is shown here with yellow and
reddish signatures
are shown. Differently than with the fractals, which are represented on the preceding
pages, where the coloring indicates at which iteration step a value slips into infinity, here, on the other hand, the intensity
with which the numerical values at the respective pixel location
of the pixel move towards infinity. The speed
increases from black-red over red over black-yellow to yellow. The
intensity corresponds to a velocity vector, which is displayed
here in the respective pixel as a point-shaped color value.
The different representation of the Julia- and Fatou sets with their intensity values compared to the conventional
representation as equipotential surfaces with the
point in time (iteration step) at which the slide into infinity begins, sometimes lead to different mapping
results, as shown in the 2 following images, which show the same area with these 2 different types of representation after 50 iterations each.
Image 3: Colored equipotential surfaces
Image 4: Intensities or colored
displayed point velocity vectors
Some structures in the upper
image with colors indicating at which
the iteration depth at which values slip to infinity, deviate from the
velocity vectors of the lower image. These structures are
not visible in the lower image, while now other detailed
information becomes visible in the lower image.
In the videos, in addition to enlargements and reductions, changes in the shape of the Julia- and Fatou sets
become visible in the form of movements. This is based on the fact that the actually constant term "c"
in the formulas is subjected to a time-dependent variation c(t). In the process, sudden changes in shape
or colors sometimes occur in the videos. If one excludes those events which occur as a consequence of limitations
of the chosen color space, it would have to be determined
for the rest by limit value investigations whether these sudden changes are caused by the relatively coarse
grid of the pixels and by the limited number space of the
floating point numbers used for the
calculation or whether the change of the constants leads to
discontinuity points in the formulas. As an example for a possible discontinuity the beginning of the
video sequence of the 2nd video can be considered. In the two following pictures only the real part of the
actually constant term "c" was increased starting from the value 0 by the value 0.1E-66, which already leads
to a massive change in the undefined black area, so that I
assume that with the formula (z3 +c)/z, which is the basis for all following pictures here, every change
of "c" in relation to 0 leads to a discontinuous jump, which one could probably also prove with the help of a
curve discussion. The black central area shows the zone where the Julia area immediately grows to infinity as a
consequence of a zero division, while the blue areas in the lower picture represent stable zones.
Image 5: Real part of c = 0, black = unstable zone
Image 6: Real part of c = 0.1E-66, blue tones = stable zone
At a magnification of nearly 10 billion times of the central nucleus in the
last image, self-similar shapes with new structures appear.
See the following 2 images.
Image 7: approx. 10 billion times magnification
Image 8: Magnification by ca. 1021
in the central part
The gap between the two deep blue zones slowly closes as one iterates deeper. The following image shows a
detail magnification of the gap at a magnification of about 2.523 after 4000 iterations.
Image 9: Magnification ca. 2,523
The small dots, which approach with deeper iteration the deep-blue area on the upper left as in a line with
the limit 0, show themselves again fractal structures (see the following picture). What are the consequences
with respect to the Julia area? Light and dark blue surfaces provide stable values for the iterations, where
here only the intensity of the variability is shown. The values of the light blue and dark blue areas are
only marginally different from 0 (e.g. less than 10-44). The intensity vectors differ only by
their sign.
In any case, the shapes remind me of water fleas (Daphnia) viewed from above.
Image 10: Detail enlargement
One more note about the pale-yellow areas (as in Figs. 1 and 2)
and to the calculation of the intensity values.
For the calculation whether at an iteration step the numerical values at the
location of the pixel raise to
infinity, some kind of distance value of the complex number
to the origin
is determined. Actually, distance values are always positive or zero. If
instead of the sums of the components, however, one inadmissibly also
the signs for the distance calculation in a fuzzy way.
way, in some cases "negative
distance values" or invalid 0-values can occur, which
are shown in the images in pale yellow. Large negative distance values are displayed in pure blue
blue (this is sometimes difficult to distinguish visually from the rest of the
blue tones). The positive distance values determined in this way
deviate from the real distance values. The word distance then
no longer quite fits; one could call it fuzzy distance. But independently
of this, the question arises whether
negative distances can occur at all in our perceived.
The physicist Brian Greene (The Fabric of the Cosmos)
shows that in space units below the Planck length
the conventional concepts of time and space have no more validity, but are replaced by a world of
quantum fluctuations, in which space and time
according to ideas of several physicists (e.g. John Archibald Wheeler)
in extremely small scales of the Planck scale could run quite negatively but also cyclically or still other structures.
It is surely only a coincidence, but the first two pictures on this page show a similarity with a representation of Brian Greene,
in which he shows schematically on the level of the paper (2 dimensions)
the emergence of new and parallel universes over the mechanism of the repeated inflation
assumed by astrophysicists, whereby however space dimensions can be represented only limited. At most it would be conceivable
that the principles of the formation of universes show, however, a certain relation to the
self-similarity of fractals.
But even the mechanism of inflation is still disputed in science. Alternative theories as for example of
Roger Penrose (Cycles of Time) provide a
so-called conformal cyclic cosmology
CCC on the basis of the quantum gravity, in which the increase of the entropy
is considered. Or, for example, a theory of Lee Smolin
(Why does the world exist?), which describes an emergence of world ages from
singularities in
black holes based on inheritance.
Surprisingly, his diagram about the world ages also has similarities with the top 2 pictures.
Fuzzy distance
(Supplement from 23.08.2018)>
With the Mandelbrot set it holds that a point belongs to the Mandelbrot set if the iteration sequence from the
formula zn+1 = zn2 + 1 yields a bounded
limit lim sup <= 2 for n--> infinity.
For Julia sets an assignment as a point of a Julia surface is likewise made here as a boundary value for the value zn
computed from the respective formula, if absolute value |(zn)| <= 2.
In contrast to an infinite iteration sequence, in the
calculations here as a consequence of the finiteness of the resources of the computer
after a small number of iteration steps the computation is stopped
which can lead to distortions. Figures 1 and 2
clearly show the difference in the boundary region of the
Julia set after 48 and 53 iterations, respectively, as a result of the
inaccuracy due to the small number of iterations.
For the calculation of a Euclidean distance
value to the lim sup on a 2-dimensional plane, the formula corresponding to the
Pythagorean theorem is
usually used: SQRT((x1-x2)2 +(y1-y2
)2 ), which always yields values >= 0 (SQRT := square root).
With the representations of structured Julia surfaces (in different shades of blue), on the other hand, this conventional
distance calculation is not applied here, but only the inadmissible addition of the real part with the imaginary part
of the value determined last during the iteration is carried out. This corresponds to the procedure for the distance
computation similarly as with a Manhattan metric, with
which here however no absolute values are used. The space of the metric
is thereby spanned by the finite floating point number space of the computer.
With some calculation sequences as for example (z3+c)/z negative values can arise for the real part or
imaginary part, which can result then in their direct addition also in a negative total value. The addition of real
part and imaginary part is actually inadmissible for the calculation of a distance value, because the results of this
distance calculation are quite inaccurate compared to the Pythagorean theorem and can also lead to negative distance
values, which are usually forbidden. However, as a consequence of this fuzzy calculation (here called fuzzy distance),
new self-similar fractal structures (see Figures 6-10 and also under menu item "Daphnia")
can become visible within the Julia surface, distinguished by their positive and negative sign (light and dark blue).
Changes of the iteration depth furthermore lead to oscillations of these virtual structures (see menu item "Daphnia").
Possibly these virtual structures are caused by inaccuracies of the floating point operations and the
limitedness of the field of floating point numbers.
This number field with Java uses with
8 bytes 15 significant digits in a value range of +/-4.9E-324 ... +/-1.7E+308. However, the fractal structures caused
within the Julia area cannot arise only by these restrictions, but must depend in addition on the hyperbolic term of
the formula (z3+c)/z, since with other formulas these fractals are not formed.
An example of the difference between conventional equipotential surfaces and intensity values with the fuzzy
distance within the Julia surface is shown in the following 2 images at c(t)=(-0.001 RE, -0.00001 IM) in a coordinate
window of approximately (-1.03 RE, -0.19 IM) in the upper left and (-0.79 RE, 0.04 IM) in the lower right.