Interferences by Frank Vollbrecht

Interferences among Pictures, Interactive Graphics and Waves

Information Desk
Picture Information and Description of Animations

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to activate an animation click into a picture
new: April 2015
Swarm II
2015 - HTML5

Simulation of the behaviour of flocks with virtual animated beings. Up to  2.000 virtual beings accomplish movements on  the basis of a simple set of rules for swarms, and establish structures of swarms and partial swarms. The interference among these beings generates patterns which can be seen as mathematical or technical art. The movements of those individuals are not only monitored from the point of view of a scientist concerning flocks but also from the sight of a viewer who likes to watch animations. The different ways of representing can be achieved by program controls and mouse movements.

Version 2 comtains more program controls for the generation of flocks.

You may find an explanation in German of the swarm behaviour and the program controls:  Description Flock II  

Opartandmore -
2011  HTML5

Opartandmore -
2011  HTML5

The animation "Ameise & Co II" shows some insects and other arthropods in the style of Futurism. The viewer will see a movement in its mind which doesn't exist in reality. There are only black triangles which become waved. This undulating movement will be interpreted as an insect or other arthropod:

A mouse click into the background will change the background color.

A mouse click with the hand cursor will change the arthropod into another species. The hand cursor is displayed when touching the athropod with the cursor.

Mouse positions outside the window result in dynamic generated background colors.

Constant cursor movements inside the window will deconstruct the insect. Longer standstills of the cursor will result in changing vibrancy which shows the style of Futurism.

Opartandmore - Interferenzen:
The animation "Ants and more I" shows in an artistic fashion some insects and other arthropods. A dark background will produce an eldritch atmosphere.

When the cursor is displayed as a cross cursor the background color can be switech by mouse click,

A mouse click with the hand cursor will change the arthropod into another species. The hand cursor is displayed when touching the athropod with the cursor.

Cursor positions near by the left border of the window will start an animation with a moving arthropod. By exiting or reentering of the window you may influence or freeze the movement. Cursor positions near by any border may change the movements.

Pictures of some websites were used as a base for constructing the animations. Authorities are listed at the bottom of this page.


Interferences of Waves

The Invincible

<Opartandmore -
                        Interferenzen: Der Unbesiegbare frei nach
                        Stanislaw Lem


The animation "The Invincible" shows a scene from the novel with the same name by  Stanislaw Lem, Niezwyciezony in an artistic way:

With the cursor inside the window you will catch a sight from above on the desert of the planet "Regis III". The crosslines of the cursor are followed by "Cyclops" which is almost invisable. Cyclops is surrounded by "flies" the so called mechanical beings of this planet which build structures like clouds. 

The cursor outside the window will introduce a view from above to a view from inside of Cyclops to the ruins on this planet within 1 to 2 minutes.

All views from above inclusive the clouds of flies but also the views to the ruins are generated by interferences of 3 different waves.

In Music non Stop sounds become generated by jaming the waves of 3 noise sources. The picture contains some interactive features which become visible when you position the cursor on appropriate areas in the picture:

The following interactions are possible:

Tune wavelengths: position the cursor on the registers at the window frames
Change wave metrik: click into the centre
Change instrument:  select a button under the centre of the picture and click into it
Adjust amplitude: shift the register in the lower part of the picture with Drag&Drop
Turn on boost modus (only with metrics 1 and 2 possible): shift the register in the upper part
Select a sound generator: select a button in the upper part of the picture and click into it

A sufficient audio-visual display is supported at clock rates with a minumum of 3 GHz only. Otherwise malfunctions and a bad usabilty may occure.

With some Java Plug-Ins there is no soundbank preinstalled. In this cases you will to install the Standard Java Soundbank by yourself:

Download of Standard Java-Soundbank


Opartandmore - Interferenzen:

In  Diffus 2 Photos become overlayed. By mouse clicks different filters are activated, which will reult in different types of overlaying and colour filtering.

Depending on the position of the mouse in the mount outside of the picture some picture elements become diffused. After you leave the window frame the background picture becomes permanently moved to the left side.


Opartandmire -
                    Interferenzen: Wackelbild - Holbox Parade


Wackelbild will show two different slightly shifted photos, which are quickly changed in the browser like a gif-picture. By mouse interaction some more effects may be activated.


                    Interferenzen: Geisterbild Annina


In Ghost you will enjoy with 2 photos which will overlap. After selection a photo from the picture catalog and pressing the <START>-Button only one photo will be shown at first. Moving across thos photo will indicate black areas which will become the overlay area for the next photo. The next photo is integrated after a mouse click.

When the overly process is complete the 2nd photo will be permanently moved to the left side. The 2nd photo can be further alienated by mouse movements and clicks.

The sequence of  overlaying 2 photos can be stopped by leaving the window. Afterwards new black areas may be selected again and with a further click a new overlay process will start.

Hall of Mirrors 


A photo will be increasingly distorted by black stripes. When you position the cursor into the white window the black stripes will be filled with some parts of the original photo. The cursor position will also influence the starting point of black stripes.

A click into the white window will introduce a sort of small mirrors in a cyclic way. These mirrors will be moved horizontically so that you get the impression of a moving background or when faces are part of the photo contortions may appear.  A lot of different optical illusion can be created.

The effect of mirrors can be terminated by leaving the white window with the cursor.

Information about photos
For the contents of  linked websites no responsibility is taken.

Pictures from the following websites were used for constructing the animations and special data structures:

in Ants amd more

The photo "Die Seherin" was taken in Schlosspark Rheydt on "kunstweg niers". The sculpture was produced by Thomas Jentgens, 2002.

Die Seherin

The photos "Holbox Parade" and "Television Tower" are from H.-J. Loh.

Holbox Parade
Television Tower
The photo "Marinus" are from the Website Time Tales

All other photos are taken from own archives.

General Program Information

Program Conditions:
PC more than 1 GHz: With "The Invincible" and "Music non Stop" more than 3 Ghz should be available.
Complete activation of JAVA and JAVA SCRIPT in your browser ist necessary.
Best Resolution: 800 x 600 Pixel
Older browser versiona may result in wrong colors and may result in program termination.
Possible Errors:
The canvas remains white or gray:
Possible reasons: Communication interruption with the webserver or wrong Java Virtual Machine.
With Netscape: click RELOAD-Button with pressed <SHIFT>.
With Internet Explorer:click RELOAD-Button with pressed <CONTROL/STRG>
Interruption or stills during application:
Reason: Wrong Java Virtual Machine.